Wednesday, September 27, 2006

La Familia

Good morning, dear friends in Christ!

Today's text: Matthew 12:46-50

I suspect that when Jesus walked this earth, more often than not, people who witnessed his miraculous power through healings, exorcisms, and miracles wanted to be with him - they wanted to be part of "la familia". Not all of them, certainly not many of the religious leaders, but certainly many of the popular crowd. Because when you're part of "la familia", you could say that you were "hanging" with Jesus.

Well, Jesus had his natural family of mother, brothers, and sisters. And it only stands to reason that they would have a "privileged" place when it came to Jesus - and no doubt that Jesus had a special place in his heart for them. However, when it came to the mission his Father had sent him for, "la familia" was redefined. When it came to establishing that true connection to Jesus' familia, there was a renewed criteria introduced. Whoever wanted to be in "la familia" had to do the will of the Father in heaven; essentially, be and do as Jesus did in his life and ministry - love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and love our neighbor, and seek to please and glorify the Father in all we are and do. Jesus' earthly family had a special place in his heart, but in the Father's heart, it was not only Jesus' earthly family but all those who desire to do His will on earth, patterned after his life and ministry that had the opportunity to be in la familia.

As believers who seek to be disciples of Jesus, we are part of la familia de Dios. As disciples who want to do the Father's will in our lives, we are part of God's familia. Let us be thankful that we are in God's familia and extend that invitation to others as well.

Prayer: Father in heaven, I thank you for your Son, Jesus. And I thank you that through your love you've made me a part of your family. Help me to find strength and courage in knowing that I am your son/daughter. In your Son's name I pray. Amen.

By grace alone,
Pastor David


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