Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Thought-Provoking Prayer

May God's blessings be with you as you go about your day. Let us continue to be in prayer for Hna. Pauline who is feeling better but is still awaiting test results.

Acts 8:1-8 tells about the persecution of the church and how that triggered a scattering which in turn led to an incredible spreading of the gospel because wherever the believers went, they "preached" the word. That phrase caught my attention, "Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went" (Acts 8:4). One of the causes of the church's growth in the first century was due to the fact that those who chose the narrow path of discipleship took "Christ" with them wherever they went. Wherever they went, they tried to emulate the life and ministry of Jesus. Wherever they went, they tried to live out the teachings of Christ. Wherever they went, they never left behind their Christian identity.

Do we preach the word wherever we go? St. Francis of Assissi reminded his young preachers to "preach the word, and if necessary, use words." To preach the word wherever we go does not always require words; in fact, sometimes it's just best if we let our actions speak for us.

Let me conclude with this very thought provoking prayer by John Baillie from A Diary of Private Prayer:

Have I today done anything to fufill the purpose for which Thou didst cause me to be born?
Have I accepted such opportunities of service as Thou in Thy wisdom hast set before my feet?
Have I performed without omission the plain duties of the day.
Give me grace to answer honestly, O God.

Have I today done anything to tarnish my Chrisitan ideal of manhood?
Have I been lazy in body or languid in spirit?
Have I wrongly indulged my bodily appetites?
Have I kept my imagination pure and healthy?
Have I been scrupulously honorable in all my business dealings?
Have I been transparently sincere in all I have professed to be, to feel, or to do?
Give my grace to answer honestly, O God.

Have I tried today to see myself as others see me?
Have I made more excuses for myself than I have been willing to make for others?
Have I, in my own home, been a peace-maker or have I stirred up strife?
Have I, while professing noble sentiments for great causes and distant objects, failed even in common charity and courtesy towards those nearest to me?
Give me grace to answer honestly, O God.

O Thou whose infinite love, made manifest in Jesus Christ, alone has power to destroy the empire of evil in my soul, grant that with each day that passes I may more and more be delivered from my besetting sins. Amen.

By grace alone,
Pastor David


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