I Did It "My Way"
Dear Friends,
May the grace and peace of Jesus Christ be with each of you in a special way this and every day of your lives. After dealing with the flu for several days, it’s good to share some devotional thoughts again.
Today’s passage is Hebrews 1:1-4. Although God had already spoken to the world through various ways, including the prophets, He chose to send his Son to be the “exact representation” of Himself to us. The Incarnation of Jesus came to reveal to us what a son or daughter of God should look like. In the way that he lived, thought, and acted, Jesus gave us a prime example of what words, behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes God is looking for in us.
One of the central issues we deal with in our Christian journey as disciples is pride. Our pride will many times get in the way of something good that God is trying to do. Essentially, pride (in the selfish, self-centered negative sense) is about self-gratification…first. It is about satisfying the ego. It’s no wonder that English adopted the Greek word “ego” (which means “I”) to represent our “egoism”, “egocentrism”, etc. This is the pull of human nature. “My way is the best way” is our human tendency. Without the mind of Christ, it is difficult, to not say impossible, to get beyond that tendency. In fact, our relational conflicts can always be traced back, in one way or another, to egoism – “my way is the best way…first.”
Naturally, Jesus came to show us just the opposite. In fact, Jesus came to show us a “healthy” and “holy” pride; that is, a heart that seeks to please and glorify the Father…first, and only. Everything else will fall into place. Jesus was “proud” to be the Father’s Son who lived in joyful and humble obedience before Him. Jesus learned to deal with enormous success and praise (signs and wonders in ministry) and still remain humble before the Father. He also had to face much criticism. But in the midst of it all, Jesus embodied the prophet Jeremiah’s words, “‘but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the LORD.”[1]
Jesus knew the Father. We know Him, too. Our relationship with the Father should lead us to that “healthy pride” of joyful and humble obedience, of pleasing and glorifying the Father, and of not making “my way” the only way in our relationship with others.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for loving me through good and not so good times. Forgive me when “my way” has gotten in your way of doing something good in me, for me, or through me for others. Help me to imitate you as I strive to walk in joyful obedience. In your Name I pray. Amen.
By grace alone,
Pastor David
[1] Jeremiah 9:24
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