Are You Ready?
I pray that your week has gotten off to a good start! May God give you the strength to do all you have to accomplish today and the rest of this week.
It's been a while since I've posted on this blogspot but now that summer is winding down I'd like to share more devotional thoughts more often.
Yesterday's sermon was "Ready or Not", and we heard from God's word that Jesus expects of us a waiting with a notion of readiness to serve. In fact, in the Luke passage (12:32-40) Jesus reminded us that it would be good for the master to return and to find us "serving".
When we think of waiting for the coming of Christ, sometimes we can get caught up in the "waiting" part and become overwhelmed with the hows and the whens. And indeed, we can see the signs of the times and see some reasons to be concerned as the direction our world has taken.
On the other hand, a closer reading of the passage will challenge us to an "active waiting" of that day with a committment and desire to be "dressed" and ready to serve Christ in all we are and do (especially as part of his body). The question is: Are we ready? Are we "dressed" for service? Are we prepared? Are we prepared to make that committment?
The opportunities to serve are there, are we ready...or not?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your loving care. Help me this day to seize those opportunities to serve you in all I am and do, for your honor and glory. Amen.
By grace alone,
Pastor David