Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Dear Friends and Family in Christ,

I hope and pray that your Memorial Day was a joyful one, albeit a wet one, as we enjoyed the company of our family. Thankfully, we were able to get in a family barbecue.

We give thanks and remember those who have given their lives in service to our country.

Today's Bible passage is John 5:19-29. We read in this passage about the close relationship that the Son enjoys with the Father and how out of that relationship flows the life-giving role of the Son. This life-giving power, in fact, flows as a result of the Son because just "as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself" (John 5:26). This is true because the Son has pleased the Father in all things.

In reading this passage as my devotional for today, the verse that drew my attention was John 5:24, the last phrase:

NIV John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.

As we celebrated Pentecost Sunday last Sunday, in the sermon I not only made mention of the fulfillment of the coming the Holy Spirit upon the early believers (and church), but I also mentioned John Wesley and his Aldersgate experience. In a certain sense, both the early church and John Wesley a "cross over" from "death to life". Although the early believers had seen Jesus, their faith had still not "come to life" in the way that it would after the coming of the Holy Spirit. And although John Wesley was living and "doing" the right things - Bible reading, praying, worshipping, etc. - his faith also had not yet "come to life" in the way that it would after his Aldgersgate experience (which was his experience with the powef of the Holy Spirit).

In both cases, a "cross over" took place if you will. One in which their faith took on a new dimension and a new level of discipleship. Obviously, in both cases there was a level of faith present that made them spiritually alive. But, to reach the potential that God desired for their lives required a "cross over" experience. A "cross over" experience that left behind "self-centered discipleship" and embraced a Christ-centered discipleship. You've probably seen the following graphic before:

Christ is the "bridge" that allows for the "cross over" to take place. When we embrace the cross of Christ, we leave behind a life of sin (the practice of sinfulness) and embrace a life of service to God.

What was your "cross over" moment? Do you need a "cross over" moment? Do you need a "cross over" moment in a specific area of your life?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are the perfect example of living a life that is pleasing to the Father. You also know my heart. Give me my "cross over" moment in that area of my life that I need it the most and empower me to walk obediently with you each day. In your holy name I pray. Amen.

By grace alone,

Pastor David

P.S. Pray for me (and Gilbert), as we travel to Annual Conference this week.


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