Thursday, February 22, 2007

Make Every Effort...

A good day to everyone wherever you are. May God’s grace and favor be upon you this day and every day. I pray that everyone’s week has been a productive and blessed one.

The passage for today is Hebrews 12:12-17.

In this passage, we find the following verse, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”[1] When we think of “holiness”, what comes to our minds? What image comes to mind we think of God’s command to “be holy”? Perhaps the first image that comes to mind would be God Himself since only He is absolutely holy, perfect, and pure – this image is easy to imagine. But to say “me” be holy, perfect, and pure – this image is not so easy to imagine; and rightly so because again, only God is absolutely holy, pure, and perfect. But how can understand this verse that calls us to be holy for “without holiness no one will see the Lord?”

The Biblical concept of “holiness” for believers involves a whole-hearted devotion, commitment, and dedication of our lives to following God’s ways and of love for Him and our neighbor. Now, in this particular verse, the writer to Hebrews expressly affirmed that our holiness is reflected in a specific attitude – “to live in peace with all…” But not only that, we are also charged with the following action: “[You] Make every effort…” If I were to stand up in church next Sunday and ask, “Who wants to live in peace with everyone?” I’m sure most hands, if not all, would be raised. And then if I asked, “Who is willing to make every effort to live in peace with all even if it means admitting and accepting that you were wrong and reconciling with that person?”

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent season – a time to reflect on our relationship with God and with others. Is there peace in all of your relationships? If not, have you made every effort? Have you made any effort? Is there peace in your relationship with God? Let us use this season of Lent to reflect and make every effort to live in peace with God and one another.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that I can trust in You and confess to You my weaknesses and doubts. Help me overcome any obstacles in living in peace with all, especially with You. And help me to make every effort to live in peace with those around me. In Your name I pray. Amen.

By grace alone,
Pastor David

[1] Hebrew 12:14


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