What is Your Creed?
Good morning to each of you.
Our text for this day is Luke 12:1-12.
When we hear the word “creed” usually what comes to mind is the Apostles’ Creed that begins with “I believe…” Among others, “creed” is derived from the Old English creda and the Latin credo and again, is the first word of the Apostles’ Creed. The Apostles’ Creed is the universal statement of belief of the Christian church and is an excellent summary, in my opinion, of the essential elements of our doctrine (and beliefs).
In one of the verses in today’s text Jesus said, “And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man shall confess him also before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8 NASB). Other versions use “acknowledge” rather than “confess.” In any case, according to Jesus, when we live out our faith we are to “confess” Jesus with our lives. That is, to embody the life of Jesus in who we are and what we do; to allow for Christ to set the pace for our lives; to allow for God through His written word to set the parameters in our being, thinking, and doing.
Jesus alerted his hearers of the danger to the contrary to this as well in Luke 12:9 – “But if anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before God's angels.” In other words, just as there are ways that we can confess Christ (by who we are and what we do), there are also ways that we can deny him (by who we are and what we do).
What is our “creed”? May our “creed” be Christ-centered so that we can please God in who we are and what we do.
Prayer: Lord, I believe that you are my Lord and Savior and I thank you for loving me. I want to confess you in all that I am and do; give me the strength, faith, and courage to do just that. In your Name I pray. Amen.
By grace alone,
Pastor David