Tuesday, November 07, 2006

If Only

Good morning brothers and sisters!

Today's text is John 11:17-27.

Have you ever had an "if only" moment"? If only this or that would have happened. If only I had more of this or the other. If only things could be better or bigger or clearer, etc. If only God had...

Martha had a similar feeling when Jesus arrived "too late" for Lazarus as he died. Martha felt that if Jesus had only been there - if only Jesus had been there, he could have saved Lazarus from dying. But even so, Martha said, "But even now I know that God..." Somehow in Martha's mind, she knew that there was still hope because Jesus had shown up...and she was right.

In our "if only" moments, let us be reminded that "even now" we can know that there is hope in God when Jesus shows up in our lives and makes things right.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the hope you give us daily. Be with us in our "if only" moments as we are assured that even then, You are with us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


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