Fan the Flame
“It’s a great day to be alive!” is a phrase a very good friend used to always say. And it’s true, everyday is a gift from God for us to live in thanksgiving for Him.
2 Timothy 1:1-14 is today’s text. The Apostle Paul in writing to Timothy recalled the way that both Timothy’s grandmother and mother had instructed him in the doctrine and faith of the Lord. Timothy had had the blessing of growing up in a home where an experience with God was central. Paul considered that to be a vital privilege and responsibility; perhaps this was why he “reminded” Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God…”
“Fan into flame…” is an interesting choice of words. Usually when a flame is going and gradually begins to lose heat, fanning the flame will maintain or increase the heat once again. The Apostle Paul had already commended Timothy for the faith that “now lives in you.” Now, the issue was to continue to live in that faith (i.e. “fan into flame the gift of God”). Throughout his letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul gave him words of instruction and encouragement as to how to “keep the flame” going.
In any case, we too need to “fan the flame” in order to keep it going. What are those things that we can be and do to keep the flame of our faith active and strong? Where can we go to the keep the flame active and strong? How can we keep the flame of our faith strong in the midst of the culture pull?
The Apostle Paul reminded Timothy that he himself was committed to keep the flame of his faith going because “he knew in whom he had believed” and “was convinced” that Christ was powerful enough to guard his faith. Fanning the flame of our faith must be Christ-centered.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your faithful love to me. Enable me to fan the flame of my faith with those tools that you have provided me with as I trust in your power to guard my heart and mind. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
By grace alone,
Pastor David